
get_edge_info(edges, network=None, base_url='')[source]

Returns source, target and edge table row values.

  • edges (list) – list of SUIDs or names of edges, i.e., values in the “name” column. Can also input single edge.

  • network (SUID or str or None) – Name or SUID of a network or view. Default is the “current” network active in Cytoscape.

  • base_url (str) – Ignore unless you need to specify a custom domain, port or version to connect to the CyREST API. Default is and the latest version of the CyREST API supported by this version of py4cytoscape.


list of dicts describing each edge

Return type

list of dicts

  • ValueError – if server response has no JSON

  • CyError – if network name or SUID doesn’t exist

  • requests.exceptions.RequestException – if can’t connect to Cytoscape or Cytoscape returns an error


>>> get_edge_info('YDR277C (pp) YDL194W')
[{'source': 2919, 'target': 2918, 'SUID': 3248, 'shared name': 'YDR277C (pp) YDL194W',
  'shared interaction': 'pp', 'name': 'YDR277C (pp) YDL194W', 'selected': False,
  'interaction': 'pp', 'EdgeBetweenness': 496.0}]
>>> get_edge_info(['YDR277C (pp) YDL194W', 'YDR277C (pp) YJR022W'])
[{'source': 2919, 'target': 2918, 'SUID': 3248, 'shared name': 'YDR277C (pp) YDL194W',
  'shared interaction': 'pp', 'name': 'YDR277C (pp) YDL194W', 'selected': False,
  'interaction': 'pp', 'EdgeBetweenness': 496.0},
 {'source': 2919, 'target': 3220, 'SUID': 3249, 'shared name': 'YDR277C (pp) YJR022W',
  'shared interaction': 'pp', 'name': 'YDR277C (pp) YJR022W', 'selected': False,
  'interaction': 'pp', 'EdgeBetweenness': 988.0}]

Notes: This function is kinda slow. It takes approximately 70ms per edge to return a result, e.g., 850 edges will take one minute.