
You can try the following tutorials in your web browser using Binder.

  1. Launch a Binder instance by clicking the following Binder badge. (It may take some time for the instance to start up.)

  1. Launch Linux desktop by clicking the New button -> desktop.

  1. Right click the Linux Desktop and click Open Terminal Here, and run bash ~/cytoscape-unix-3.8.0/cytoscape.sh (This command launches Cytoscape Desktop).

https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nrnb/gsod2019_kozo_nishida/master/images/right_click_start_terminal.png https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nrnb/gsod2019_kozo_nishida/master/images/binder_starting_cytoscape_inXFCE4.jpg
  1. Click on the ipynb file for the tutorial you would like to try.
