
Functions for managing TABLE columns and table column functions, like map and rename, as well as loading and extracting table data in Cytoscape.

Column Manipulation

delete_table_column(column[, table, …])

Delete a column from node, edge or network tables.

get_table_column_names([table, namespace, …])

Retrieve the names of all columns in a table.

get_table_column_types([table, namespace, …])

Retrieve the types of all columns in a table.

get_table_columns([table, columns, …])

Retrieve one or more columns of data from node, edge or network tables.

rename_table_column(column, new_name[, …])

Set a new name for a column.

Column Mapping

map_table_column(column, species, map_from, …)

Map Table Column.

Data Values

get_table_value(table, row_name, column[, …])

Retrieve the value from a specific row and column from node, edge or network tables.

load_table_data(data[, data_key_column, …])

Loads data into Cytoscape tables keyed by row.

load_table_data_from_file(file[, …])

Loads data into Cytoscape tables from a tabular file.